Sunday, August 29, 2004

Risk. That is something that I have thought about quite a bit lately. The fact is, all of my life, I have not been a person that has lived life on the edge. Most of the time I spend my life sitting far away from the edge admiring (or jealous of) the person who is standing there with some of their feet hanging off. But as I get older (and maybe a bit braver) I have seen myself as someone who is so captivated by the danger of walking near the edge.

In 2 Samuel 10, Joab, the commander of the army of Israel was facing an army at the front (Ammonites) and at the back (Syrians). He takes one front and sets his brother at the other. What gets me about this story is what He says in verse 12. He tells his brother, "Be of good courage and let us be courageous for our people and for the cities of our God, AND MAY THE LORD DO WHAT SEEMS GOOD TO HIM."

I see it. That is the thing that I see and admire and wonder if I could ever do it. Can I really look at the tough things in front of me and say, I will make the best decision I know how, but no matter what, let the LORD do what seems good to Him. I want to be a leader, but more than that, I want to be a risk taker and see what the LORD will do.
