Sunday, October 23, 2005

My Wish Came True

I think that Fulmer really did get fat.

Although it was one of the most boring games of the century (just under the FAU/ARK State game) it was a great W for the home team. The TIDE didn't roll (it was more like a limp) over the Tennessee Volunteers, but they stayed undefeated and killed a huge winning streak.

This showed me that Fulmer and the Vols cannot beat Alabama on pure football alone as much as they have over the past 10 years. This was the first season that Alabama hasn't still been hurting from the NCAA probation and lack of recruiting opportunities in 5 or 6 years. I just feel like this is the beginning of some great things. If you don't know what I am talking about HERE is something you should read.

Enough to say, many fans feel like this is the beginning of justice (I am still out on this one considering Darfur is still a bit weak in the justice area).

As for the DREAMLAND was good....just not great....and certainly not DREAMLAND. But it was good. I think that there are a few things I can do to tweak it.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Only a few hours until the Alabama vs Tennessee kickoff. Tennessee is the college football equivelant to the Yankees. I hope Coach Fulmer gets fat.

I got a recipe for "Dreamland Barbecue Sauce" off the internet. I hope that it tastes something like it.

I will let you know.


You Must Be Kidding

That seems to be the statement made by everyone in South Florida when we get word of another hurricane heading our way.

The fact is, I'm from Alabama. So, like everyone else in the country (besides the good people on the coast) I heard of hurricanes every once in a while. For instance, I remember Hugo, Andrew and maybe a couple of others if I hear their names mentioned.

But even living in South Florida, I hear locals all the time say things like..."I've never seen anything like this." Which for me is a little odd because since I got here in 2003, it has seemed to be a nonstop hurricane season. I think that we had 4 or 5 that we were dodging in 04 and now have had 4 or 5 in 05. This is nuts.

So for those of you wondering what it is like to be in a place that has hurricanes all the is strange. However, people here know what is going on and they prepare as they need to. OUR governor is not an idiot, like some others, and state and local authorities are prepared so thousands of people are not stuck in the AA Arena. Although some things are scary at times (such as water, ice and gas not being available readily to all of us who are weak and dependent on such things) for the most part I never see re-enactments of the movie "ALIVE". The guys from Florida Power get shot at sometimes, but nothing major (shout out to JC).

And one more thing. People here actually laugh at National Cable News outlets. Most of the time, national news, comes with a presence of superiority to local affiliates. However, in times of hurricanes, national news is sooooooo much more dramatic that things actually happen. I know that this has to do with reporting things in a manner to which people will watch, but crap, they overdo it a bit. I think the worst is FOX NEWS. That Shepard Smith is one dramatic guy. Our local 7 news reports a thunderstorm accurately and while sitting during that same storm watching Smith, you would think that all the "Left Behind" books are true (implying I have my doubts).

And what this all means is that I can actually write a blog about weather. Which makes me a retard.


Thursday, October 13, 2005


Actually, it is just a few minutes past my 28th birthday, making me officially in my late 20s. It has been a good one, and I just wanted to post about a few things that have been on my mind this week.

  • I friend of mine led me to THIS SITE a few nights ago and I thought it was a must for all of you that, like me, hate to get painted with the same broad brush as someone like this. Who would have thought it was as easy as $48.

  • Tomorrow we are starting our small groups again. This is going to be great because I am getting a chance to meet with a lot of guys who are just asking questions about faith. I love talking with people who have never been exposed to anything. I actually get a kick out of hearing responses to my faith based on what people see on the "Simpsons" or as I heard recently "The Office." It is just fun to see their faces when they see that being in a Jesus community is really nothing like that at all. Which brings me back to the idea that when a group of people really just cares about the things that Jesus cares about, we really do bring heaven to earth (and isn't that what Jesus prayed for us to do?)

  • One final thought...I have been hit pretty hard from Yankee fans about the Red Sox getting swept by Chicago. And I have to say, they got me there. It was ugly and it was short. By the way, who are the Yankees playing tonight..........?

  • By the way...I love being a pastor to students. Tonight reaffirmed that. Even with all the crap, it still is the best job ever. I love it.


Monday, October 03, 2005

Makings of a Great Weekend

I am very thankful to for the opportunity to fly to Alabama from Ft. Lauderdale for $83. It gave me a chance to see the fam, expecially some "hang out" time with my bro.

Through his really great job that pushes him over the edge of sanity, we got tickets to the Alabama/Florida game on Saturday. SOOOOOO incredible. I have never spent so much time hugging 50 year old men (well, there was that one time). There is just a common bond between guys that love their football team that much.

My throat still hurts, I think I yelled things that were a bit edgy (is that how you spell that word) and more than that, I saw one of the greatest games of my life. Happy times.


I was very disappointed that the Yankees (still hate em) won the penant. But I am happy that the Sox (Red) got the wild card. I would rather them play the White Sox anyway.

And I am really excited about Bill Simmons new book. I'm getting it soon.