Wednesday, December 21, 2005


If you didn't see SNL this past week, here is one of the skits from it. It is one of the best I have ever seen. Truly a laugh out loud moment.


Monday, December 19, 2005

A Felony Ring of 10 Year Olds....

Did you see THIS ? I didn't even have a computer in 4th grade. How do kids do this. I still haven't found out all the functions on my ipod and these guys are making money...literally.


Turning Into A Liberal.....

No, I'm not turning into an American Political Liberal. Let me see if I can explain. A few days ago, I was reading in Hosea (an Old Testament Prophet) and I came across on of those places where God is talking about how His people are always turning from Him and prostituting themselves with other things that His love. As it goes on, I see that there is a place where God is making things right and turning the hearts of the people back. What gets me it that I saw a description of what is happening in the person whom God changes...

"I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD." (Hosea 2:19-20)

What I keep seeing is righteousness, love and compassion (evangelical conservative values) and then, once more, I see the value that is so common in Christian liberal circles and a value of scripture...JUSTICE.

Then I wake this morning and read this article about what TIME magazine said about Bono and Bill and Melinda Gates.
"For being shrewd about doing good, for rewiring politics and re-engineering justice, for making mercy smarter and hope strategic and then daring the rest of us to follow, Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono are Time's Persons of the Year...."

I am not on a talking point about how an "evangelical" should have been on the cover of TIME, but I observe...what if some follower of Jesus "let their light shine before men so that they could see the good works and glorify God in heaven?"

Again, I am reminded about how I have dropped the ball and seem to care about things that are oppossed to the things that Jesus loved. If being honest about social justice means that I am an evangelical liberal...ok.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Has to be a white kid...

THIS STORY has to be about a white kid in the suburbs. My mom and dad didn't want me to fail but I don't remember ever being this scared to bring a report card home.

I don't know what is better birth control...working with teenagers personally, or reading stories like this.


Monday, December 05, 2005

Remembering Mike

Today I was re-reading parts of Mike Yaconelli's book "Dangerous Wonder." Every time I read anything by that man, I am challenged.

In the introduction, he talked about meeting the guy who started Compassion International. He described the guy as a long haired, quiet, seemingly gentle guy who at some point had his life ruined by Jesus and he has never gotten over it.

You see, that seems to be my story and that word (ruined) always gets my attention. Central to my faith is this idea that somewhere along the way, my life intersected with this Jesus and he completely ruined everything so that I could not survive without Him and I have spent several years now trying to shake him.

I mean really, if you have experienced this actually spend a lot of time trying other things. If it were a marriage, it would be something like adultry. And yet, even after turning to lovers less wild, we are welcomed back by a Jesus who loves, forgives and even calls us pure and spotless.

And so it after day...a prostitute...loved...accepted....declared beautiful.

So the way to describe this life intersection with Jesus is wild, dangerous, fearful, compelling, doubtful, crazy, and extremely messy.


Monday, November 28, 2005

Me and Jeb

This is a picture taken after Hurricane Wilma. Governor Jeb and President Bush came and made an appearance. I didn't get a chance to have a close up with the president, but president elect 2012 is pretty great.


Sunday, October 23, 2005

My Wish Came True

I think that Fulmer really did get fat.

Although it was one of the most boring games of the century (just under the FAU/ARK State game) it was a great W for the home team. The TIDE didn't roll (it was more like a limp) over the Tennessee Volunteers, but they stayed undefeated and killed a huge winning streak.

This showed me that Fulmer and the Vols cannot beat Alabama on pure football alone as much as they have over the past 10 years. This was the first season that Alabama hasn't still been hurting from the NCAA probation and lack of recruiting opportunities in 5 or 6 years. I just feel like this is the beginning of some great things. If you don't know what I am talking about HERE is something you should read.

Enough to say, many fans feel like this is the beginning of justice (I am still out on this one considering Darfur is still a bit weak in the justice area).

As for the DREAMLAND was good....just not great....and certainly not DREAMLAND. But it was good. I think that there are a few things I can do to tweak it.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Only a few hours until the Alabama vs Tennessee kickoff. Tennessee is the college football equivelant to the Yankees. I hope Coach Fulmer gets fat.

I got a recipe for "Dreamland Barbecue Sauce" off the internet. I hope that it tastes something like it.

I will let you know.


You Must Be Kidding

That seems to be the statement made by everyone in South Florida when we get word of another hurricane heading our way.

The fact is, I'm from Alabama. So, like everyone else in the country (besides the good people on the coast) I heard of hurricanes every once in a while. For instance, I remember Hugo, Andrew and maybe a couple of others if I hear their names mentioned.

But even living in South Florida, I hear locals all the time say things like..."I've never seen anything like this." Which for me is a little odd because since I got here in 2003, it has seemed to be a nonstop hurricane season. I think that we had 4 or 5 that we were dodging in 04 and now have had 4 or 5 in 05. This is nuts.

So for those of you wondering what it is like to be in a place that has hurricanes all the is strange. However, people here know what is going on and they prepare as they need to. OUR governor is not an idiot, like some others, and state and local authorities are prepared so thousands of people are not stuck in the AA Arena. Although some things are scary at times (such as water, ice and gas not being available readily to all of us who are weak and dependent on such things) for the most part I never see re-enactments of the movie "ALIVE". The guys from Florida Power get shot at sometimes, but nothing major (shout out to JC).

And one more thing. People here actually laugh at National Cable News outlets. Most of the time, national news, comes with a presence of superiority to local affiliates. However, in times of hurricanes, national news is sooooooo much more dramatic that things actually happen. I know that this has to do with reporting things in a manner to which people will watch, but crap, they overdo it a bit. I think the worst is FOX NEWS. That Shepard Smith is one dramatic guy. Our local 7 news reports a thunderstorm accurately and while sitting during that same storm watching Smith, you would think that all the "Left Behind" books are true (implying I have my doubts).

And what this all means is that I can actually write a blog about weather. Which makes me a retard.


Thursday, October 13, 2005


Actually, it is just a few minutes past my 28th birthday, making me officially in my late 20s. It has been a good one, and I just wanted to post about a few things that have been on my mind this week.

  • I friend of mine led me to THIS SITE a few nights ago and I thought it was a must for all of you that, like me, hate to get painted with the same broad brush as someone like this. Who would have thought it was as easy as $48.

  • Tomorrow we are starting our small groups again. This is going to be great because I am getting a chance to meet with a lot of guys who are just asking questions about faith. I love talking with people who have never been exposed to anything. I actually get a kick out of hearing responses to my faith based on what people see on the "Simpsons" or as I heard recently "The Office." It is just fun to see their faces when they see that being in a Jesus community is really nothing like that at all. Which brings me back to the idea that when a group of people really just cares about the things that Jesus cares about, we really do bring heaven to earth (and isn't that what Jesus prayed for us to do?)

  • One final thought...I have been hit pretty hard from Yankee fans about the Red Sox getting swept by Chicago. And I have to say, they got me there. It was ugly and it was short. By the way, who are the Yankees playing tonight..........?

  • By the way...I love being a pastor to students. Tonight reaffirmed that. Even with all the crap, it still is the best job ever. I love it.


Monday, October 03, 2005

Makings of a Great Weekend

I am very thankful to for the opportunity to fly to Alabama from Ft. Lauderdale for $83. It gave me a chance to see the fam, expecially some "hang out" time with my bro.

Through his really great job that pushes him over the edge of sanity, we got tickets to the Alabama/Florida game on Saturday. SOOOOOO incredible. I have never spent so much time hugging 50 year old men (well, there was that one time). There is just a common bond between guys that love their football team that much.

My throat still hurts, I think I yelled things that were a bit edgy (is that how you spell that word) and more than that, I saw one of the greatest games of my life. Happy times.


I was very disappointed that the Yankees (still hate em) won the penant. But I am happy that the Sox (Red) got the wild card. I would rather them play the White Sox anyway.

And I am really excited about Bill Simmons new book. I'm getting it soon.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Are you kidding me........

Listen...I know that things like this can cause a frenzy, but all of you be honest...
"NEW YORK (AP) - Lil' Kim rose to fame as a tough, raunchy gangsta girl, the Queen Bee of female rappers with rhymes that cast her as a powerful figure - a female Don in the male-dominated world of rap.
Now, as she prepares to release her latest album Tuesday while behind bars, the diminutive diva has added a new element to her persona - victim. In Kim's eyes, she's been preyed on by an overzealous government trying to punish hip-hop and jealous former friends who ratted her out in the courtroom.

"There's no reason why I should be going to jail. There's no reason why. There's no reason. I didn't shoot anyone, I didn't do anything wrong the way they would say," she told The Associated Press in her waning days of freedom. "It's not as bad as it could have been, but do I think it was fair? No."
Kim reported to a federal detention center in Philadelphia on Monday to serve 366 days for lying to a grand jury investigating a 2001 shootout involving members of her entourage and a clique loyal to her archenemy, rapper Foxy Brown.

On her new album, ironically titled "The Naked Truth," Kim casts herself as a scapegoat of a government bent on cracking down on gangsta rap through investigations and prosecutions. In recent years, the "government against hip-hop" theme has become a rap mantra, as reports of police surveillance of rappers have surfaced and prominent rap figures have gone to jail or been indicted for various crimes.

"Unfortunately, me as a woman, I had to take one for the team, and when I say for the team I say hip-hop, because I was the poster child for the federal government, for their investigations," she said, curled up on a couch in a posh Manhattan hotel suite, enjoying one of the last comforts of celebrity life before heading to prison.

Let's get some things lined up here...I don't like hip hop music. However, I think that like every other art form, there are some great things and there are some horrible things. It is capitalism at its best.

But, if you are intelligent at all, you have to agree with me


She's probably a Yankee (I HATE THEM) fan.........


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I Hate The Devil Rays Too

OK...most of you know that I am a Red Sox fan. To be honest, my affinity towards the Sox grew out of my complete and total loathing of the New York Yankees. What sealed the deal for me was the Aaron Boone (yes, the same Aaron Boone who cried when he was traded from the Mariners) home run off of Tim Wakefield in the 2003 ALCS series. I announced to all in the room that I was officially a Boston Red Sox fan and began what will I know be a lifelong romance with the team that will spend most of the time "breakin ya haat".

Although I knew all of these things, I had no idea that I would simply get so wrapped up in this thing emotionally. I mean, I am meeting perfect strangers in the parking lots of South Florida and we are sharing moments like brothers. I was even a part of several conversations in 04 as old crusty Bostonians would give me the ever quoted, "this is ah yeaa!!!" Praise God they were right.

But as of tonight, I am remembering a team that kept my stomach in knots and my mood swings in high gear from the 2004 ALCS. I was watching as Wakefield pitched through most of 8 innings and then the bullpen blowing the rest as Tampa Bay comes back in the bottom of the 8th.

This brings me to my point.


There are several reasons..........

First off...Lou Piniella is a waste of oxygen and one of the worst managers of all time. He is a big dope that sits on his backside, gets fatter by the minute, manages a horrible team, and looks like a total idiot as he is cursing umpires and kicking his hat (or throwing 1st base). What a retard........ is the Devil Rays home-page....notice that you don't find the standings that you do on other baseball teams sites. The reason is...THEY ARE IN LAST PLACE...THEY ARE HORRIBLE...AND NO ONE CARES IF THEY WERE GONE TOMORROW.......

Yes, they beat the RED SOX tonight and combined with the Yankees (I HATE THEM) win, puts the Yankees (I HATE THEM) up by a half a game.

What kills me is to see the celebration. YOU ARE GOING HOME NEXT WEEK. No one cares about you. Jonny Gomez hit a triple to bat in his 50th RBI of the year. I will concede that it was good hitting, but your talk on camera needs to be matched with actual consistent play. No...I couldn't hit the measley 50 RBIs a year but I am not getting paid $10 mill a year to do so.

Basically, I am looking for Karma here (that Carson Daily is really smart). I am really upset because it might be me. I mean, the Sox still had a lead before I started watching. Maybe I need to do something nice tomorrow so that....ah whatever...I still hate the devil rays.......and the yankees (I HATE THEM)!!!!!!

Chet...the obscure references are for you. I am trying to get as good as Bill Simmons.


Monday, September 12, 2005

Velvet Elvis

I told you guys a few weeks ago that I was reading a book by Rob Bell. I think that it is a pretty good book. There are a lot of things that he says in it that I have heard in sermons. I am pretty impressed with the fact that the guy is a thinker and that he looks at biblical ideas as they come out of an actual place and an actual time.

Of course, because he is not a staunch "fundamentalist," I am not sure that many people will like him. But for me, I don't agree with his entire stance on theology and doctrine, but for the most part, he has something to say. I have a link to the book somewhere a few "blog entries" ago.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A Cause To Get Behind

For those of you who have had your head in...well...a hole somewhere, Terrell Owens was the cause of a lot of press for the last several weeks by being a huge baby with the Philly Eagles. Wanting more money in his contract and then chalking up his whining to "wanting to feed my family," I think that he is a doofus and I personally hope that the Eagles lose every game for eternity.

How is this for a little perspective....

I love sarcasm.........

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Willow Creek Leadership Summit

This morning, I went with some of the team that I work with at FBC Pompano to check out the Willow Creek Church Leadership Summit in Boca Raton. I came away with some thoughts.

One of the tough things for me is that I have spent some of my formative years in ministry around people who didn't like Bill Hybels (pastor at Willow Creek) and Rick Warren (pastor at Saddleback Church). Both of these guys spoke this morning and I really took to heart what they said because I needed it.

Bill Hybels cleverly brought to our minds the old cartoon "Popeye" who, when pushed beyond his limit would blow up and exclaim, "I've had all I can stands, I can't stands no more!!!!"

He then took us through the story of Moses who, in Exodus 20, finally had all he could stand with the Egyptian beating up the Hebrew and Moses killed the Egyptian. The point was, Moses hit his breaking point and said in essence..."I can't stands no more!!!"

As he developed this, the idea arose about leaders whose vision often comes because they see something that drives them crazy and they want to change it. Great leaders have a "holy discontentment" and instead of wallowing in cynicism, they channel that to change things for the better.

So what is it that I can't "stands" no more...


Things you haven't seen since little league...

If I didn't like the Marlins, I would be screaming something about Mike Lowell not being a true athlete and someone who can't get it together as a baseball player so he has to resort to "sneaky plays."

But I DO like the THIS was a GREAT play!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A Book

For those of you who don't know, I am currently intrigued with a pastor named Rob Bell. There is no doubt that this guys is controversial at least for staunch conservatives (biblical, not political). I listen to every sermon that he preaches and have watched a series of teachings called NOOMA that are made by his team from Mars Hill Bible Church in Michigan.

For that matter, Rob Bell is the inspiration behind the whole Mars Hill idea that we are using in the student ministry at First Baptist Church in Pompano (well he and Mark Driscoll, the pastor of Mars Hill Church - no connection - in Seattle).

I picked up Rob's new book called "Velvet Elvis" (Zondervan) today. I read through the first chapter today and I think that it is good and thought provoking. People like Bell catch my attention, because I am one of those people who, well after college, still sit and dream of something more to this thing that we call "Christianity" or the process of living out what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

So far I recommend it. I will comment later on what else I learn from it.


T.O is a moron...

So the saga continues. It looks like T.O. was booted from training camp. It would be really great if management took the hit and just let him go...that way they got rid of him and his manager, Rosenhaus.

Crap like this..."Owens is unhappy the Eagles have refused to redo his contract as he enters the second season of a seven-year, $48.97 million deal. He hired Rosenhaus and threatened to skip camp completely. Instead, Owens reported, then injured his groin last Thursday" what I am talking about

This is one of the several reasons that I hope the Eagles fail completely.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

MANNY SPEAKS..........

Boston Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez broke his silence on the trade talks surrounding him, interrupting the manager's Sunday morning press briefing to say, "I want to be with this team and win another World Series."

He stays...I feel better....

And for what it is worth...AJ Burnett is staying with the Marlins. That is good for the home team.


ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alabama vs MTSU on September 3rd...34 days to go

Manny May Be Out In Boston...

"Boston Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez got the night off to clear his head while the team attempts to trade him and shed his salary. He will also miss Sunday's game, manager Terry Francona said, meaning the World Series MVP wouldn't take the field again until after the trading deadline passes."

Me: I guess we will know by 4:30 pm tomorrow. It just won't be the same without him.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Something that you might have seen...

A few weeks back I saw this letter, but it is hilarious. It is an actual letter sent to an airline. (For those of you with sensitive eyes, there are a couple of words in this that can be found in your King James Bible referring to "donkeys." Tip of the hat to Kevin Jetton for the story on his blog

Here are some Napolean Dynamite Figurines that every home should not be without.

C'mon, he's just havin a little fun with the ladies...

Just a little pre-bedtime reading


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Fast Food and Sunday Afternoon

Here is an article posted on a blog of a guy I know. I think that it is an amazing story. This is the reason that most of the people that I meet don't hate God, but they sure are turned off by church people.

I don't know how many times that my college friends would tell me that the most horrible shift to work as a server was not during the Saturday night drunk rush, but it was during the 12:00 "after church" rush on Sunday. If the people weren't just completely rude and bitter, then they would leave those little "witness tracts" that looked like $20 bills. That is sure to get their attention.

I really love the church. The fact is, real Jesus followers are not this arrogant. I just wish that there wasn't an entire subculture that thought that this woman was standing for something wonderful and that God was going to reward her for her rude arrogant behavior.

I guess that is why I want to be a leader in the change...


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Satan Coach

I don't care how bad people get, some things never cease to amaze me. This guy is a horrible human being.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Church Thoughts

I am having trouble getting things straight in my head, so maybe someone can help me with it.

I work at a church. Ideally this means my work is ministry and that means that I get to spend my days leading people to live out what it means to be followers of Jesus and I get to invest all of my resources into this. Realistically, that means that I work for a western, bureaucratic, capitalistic machine that values perfection, well balanced budgets and "the bottom line."

I know that there is nothing different in my frustration. I am sure that all over the country there are several people with the same questions.

Actually, I just want to meet all of the people that I should be afraid of. People keep telling me about them. "They will not like it..., they might get upset..., they are going to question this..., they will have you fired...,etc..."

Oh well, I am going to keep doing this and if I philosophically disagree with "them" then...well, ok.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Now I present the awkwardness.......LIVE from the Spelling Bee

How about this...once again, the spelling bee comes through!!!!

I am not sure whether to laugh with him or at him.


tip of the hat to Justin

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Social Awkwardness In The Spotlight

Only 8 more days until the greatest spectator event of the year. On June 1st and 2nd, ESPN will put the most socially regressed children alive on display in the annual National Spelling Bee.

Popcorn and soda at my house while we watch it in HD.


Monday, May 23, 2005


Most people that know me understand that I am not a "Christian" who equates my faith with a Republican vote. As a matter of fact, I really do not understand why conservatives in the church are selling out for things that are not "kingdom values". It seems that many in the church are willing to overlook hypocrisy and games in Washington simply because the Republican party is assumed to be the lesser of two evils.

That said, I want to be clear that my rant here is not at all affiliated with those who "worship with their vote."

But crap, the people on the left are bitter. Far left democrats are consistently spewing hatred and inconsistent crap that their followers take in without question. Here is a challenge to anyone on the far left. Please be intellectually honest. See politics for what it is and understand...politicians are politicians. They are going to be dishonest and they are going to make many decisions that are best for them, not for you. It is ok to say it.

Here is my take...the deal that was just cut with the judicial nominees and the filibusters...the left will continue to block.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Dukes of Hazzard

One of the funny things that I have noticed about working with teenagers in 2005 is that they think the "Dukes of Hazzard" is a new idea. The problem though, is that they can't tell why a cast would be made up of Johnny Knoxville (Luke Duke), Sean Williams Scott (Bo Duke), Jessica Simpson (Daisy Duke), Willie Nelson (Uncle Jesse) and Burt Reynolds (Boss Hogg). When I asked my small group if they had ever seen the "Dukes," they said..."no, it hasn't come out yet."

I am sitting here with Mandi watching the original second season. It is hilarious. Some of the best acting (Roscoe P. Coletrain) I have ever seen. I think I am going to boycott the EMMY'S this year as a protest to the entire oversight of the greatest acting of the 20th Century.

If you get a chance, you need to check out any of the fine episodes at a 53 inch widescreen near you.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What a cool state!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I know that Florida might have it's issues. But one thing is for sure...the driving system here is a joke...and I love it.

About 3 months ago, I got a ticket going through a school zone. Now it was a bit high, but they really make it so easy to either get out of completely or offer really retarded classes for their version of "driving school."

I just got through with 4 hours of online crap and all I did was set my computer up to run out the time and then took the test (I missed 3). So I will have the certificate tomorrow and that is that.

What a state. Once again, just a little cash and you can get anything you want. Reminds me of a Baptist Church.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bill Kamal

I know that it is so typical, but I am one of those people who will stay up for the 11:00 news so that I can get the scoop on someone's life. I am guessing that I am one of the many.
Tonight, Mandi and I stayed up to watch part 2 of 4 of channel 10's exclusive interview with Bill Kamal. For those of you not in the know, Bill Kamal was the famous face of the channel 7 weather team who many people turned to during the 2004 hurrican season. He was one of the most recognized people on tv in south Florida.
Last October, he was arrested for soliciting sex from a young boy and was caught in a sting. He pleaded guilty and is now serving 5 years in a federal pen.

What got me about the whole interview is that I was one of those people who look at him and say, "ok this guy is a sicko, but I think that he might be telling the truth and was just a guy caught in the wrong place at the wrong time." He says that all of the evidence is just circumstance and that he didn't plan on having sex with the kid, just help him in a tough situation. The problem is, when he has explicit sexual dialogue on the internet with the "kid" it makes the feds really look at you closely.

By the way, the "kid" was actually an overweight cop running a sting operation.

I of all people would love to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. I cannot imagine what would draw someone to a 12 year old boy in a sexual manner. I just can't see how he would go through his sexual prime and never be involved in something like this (as far as we know) and then become a sexual predator at the age of 48. But dang, there is just too much stacked against this guy. I guess that is was the feds thought too.

Have no fear, I am going to try to be right here on my sofa to hear tomorrows portion of the interview. Stay tuned..


Monday, May 09, 2005

Important Things

As most of you know, there are several things in life that I have no clue about. One of those things is computers. I can turn one on and I can maneuver through some programs, but it takes the real intellectuals to actually make the digital revolution work for them.

And that is where my brother comes in. Thanks for showing me the ropes and letting me see that there is something more to the information superhighway. If you guys check out the links to the right, you will see some of the things that I deem important in life.

more later...

Friday, May 06, 2005


I'm working on making this blog as user-friendly as possible. I've just added Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
Feel free to leave comments...


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Jesus' story is one of grace, as is mine. The difference is that I receive and He gives. I am convinced through the ancient scriptures that it is right, but I am trying to see how it works in my everyday.
Some of the things that I am learning right now are centered on this fact. God has been gracious to me by taking my sin and rebellion and giving it to Jesus ("For God made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God"). I am connected with God forever because Jesus became sin for me. He got my sin and therefore my punishment and I got his perfection. God really looks on me and sees Jesus. Good or bad, God sees right and perfect...and that causes me to become more like Jesus as He continually fixes the broken things in me.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I have this thought (or maybe "I have a dream") . It is some thing that I can say is a dream that has existed for some time now. It seems that I cannot always put into words what is happeing in my head (the results of Adult ADD), but I am going to try.

In Acts 17 of the Bible, the apostle Paul went to Athens, Greece, where he spent some time teaching in the Jewish synagogue and also talking with philosophers.

While he was there teaching, he was taken before the Areopagus, which was court outside of town on Mars Hill. While he was in the middle of philosophers, religious teachers and thinkers, he began to tell them about "the unknown God" (referring to a monument to an unknown god among the other monuments to the gods they worshipped).

If you want to see the rest of the story and what Paul told them, you can read it in Acts 17. What I want to point out is the symbolism and what it can mean for the community that we are in now (as a church gathering in south Florda).

Paul is in the middle of ongoing discussions by the people of Athens about life, spirituality, God, meaning, beauty, truth. It is a culture that is poly-theistic (a representation of many gods). They were really into talking about things that were new philosophies and new ideas (Acts 17:21). But on this hill outside of athens known as Mars Hill (or the Areopagus) Paul tells the people about God the creator of all things, God the giver of life, the God who is not served by human hands, the God who is near and the God who raised Jesus from the dead (vs 31).

The symbolism to south Florida and the community that we want to be is that we are like Mars Hill. It is a place where many ideas and philosophies emerge and yet, there rises a community that talks about a God who is reconciling all things to himself (or putting back together what is broken) in the person of Jesus. We love the scriptures because they are the story of God. We trust Jesus with our lives because we desire to be a part of God's story of love, mercy and reconciliation all for His glory. We are satisfied in Him so that He is glorified in our lives.

Maybe we too are Mars Hill: A Missional Jesus Community
I love the church. There is something about being a part of a community of people who have Christ in common. This community has a long history that spans a couple of thousand years (some of those beautiful and some that are not so much).

Here is a thought from Mars Hill a gathering in Michigan:

"We see ourselves in a long line of generations taking part in the endless conversation between God and people. We believe the Bible to be the voices of many who have come before us, inspired by God to pass along their poems, stories, accounts, and letters of response and relationship with each other and (most importantly) the living God. To know where we're going, we have to know where we've been.

I have this dream that the community of people in the church will value the things that are talked about in the ancient scriptures and that we will see the glory of God shine out because of it.
