Thursday, August 11, 2005

Willow Creek Leadership Summit

This morning, I went with some of the team that I work with at FBC Pompano to check out the Willow Creek Church Leadership Summit in Boca Raton. I came away with some thoughts.

One of the tough things for me is that I have spent some of my formative years in ministry around people who didn't like Bill Hybels (pastor at Willow Creek) and Rick Warren (pastor at Saddleback Church). Both of these guys spoke this morning and I really took to heart what they said because I needed it.

Bill Hybels cleverly brought to our minds the old cartoon "Popeye" who, when pushed beyond his limit would blow up and exclaim, "I've had all I can stands, I can't stands no more!!!!"

He then took us through the story of Moses who, in Exodus 20, finally had all he could stand with the Egyptian beating up the Hebrew and Moses killed the Egyptian. The point was, Moses hit his breaking point and said in essence..."I can't stands no more!!!"

As he developed this, the idea arose about leaders whose vision often comes because they see something that drives them crazy and they want to change it. Great leaders have a "holy discontentment" and instead of wallowing in cynicism, they channel that to change things for the better.

So what is it that I can't "stands" no more...


1 comment:

jc said...

you know, I get there sometimes. well at least I get close. But then it always blends into this garbage mixture of indignation, cynicism, indifference, sarcasm, and guilt over the various other flaws i have which may or may not be related. that pretty much is a recipe for not acting on anything except for the occasional rant on some blog. but i suppose that's a step to action - next would be allowing God to overcome the attacks of the enemy that squelch the initial "this isn't right"