Monday, August 15, 2005

A Cause To Get Behind

For those of you who have had your head in...well...a hole somewhere, Terrell Owens was the cause of a lot of press for the last several weeks by being a huge baby with the Philly Eagles. Wanting more money in his contract and then chalking up his whining to "wanting to feed my family," I think that he is a doofus and I personally hope that the Eagles lose every game for eternity.

How is this for a little perspective....

I love sarcasm.........

1 comment:

jc said...

Are you kidding me? My how greed runs rampant in our nation. But we're also part of the problem. If we didn't have such an insatiable desire for entertainment, we wouldn't pay astronomical prices to go to games, and buy $18 hot dogs, and buy all the products advertised through signs and billboards and commercials related to those games. Capitalism at its best here - we want what they have so they give it to us for a price. Supply and demand - our demand is rediculous, and he has talent which is hard to find so open up your wallet Philly if you want that entertainment because this guy is going to FEEEEED his family (I wonder if he has watched "Super Size Me" yet?