Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bill Kamal

I know that it is so typical, but I am one of those people who will stay up for the 11:00 news so that I can get the scoop on someone's life. I am guessing that I am one of the many.
Tonight, Mandi and I stayed up to watch part 2 of 4 of channel 10's exclusive interview with Bill Kamal. For those of you not in the know, Bill Kamal was the famous face of the channel 7 weather team who many people turned to during the 2004 hurrican season. He was one of the most recognized people on tv in south Florida.
Last October, he was arrested for soliciting sex from a young boy and was caught in a sting. He pleaded guilty and is now serving 5 years in a federal pen.

What got me about the whole interview is that I was one of those people who look at him and say, "ok this guy is a sicko, but I think that he might be telling the truth and was just a guy caught in the wrong place at the wrong time." He says that all of the evidence is just circumstance and that he didn't plan on having sex with the kid, just help him in a tough situation. The problem is, when he has explicit sexual dialogue on the internet with the "kid" it makes the feds really look at you closely.

By the way, the "kid" was actually an overweight cop running a sting operation.

I of all people would love to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. I cannot imagine what would draw someone to a 12 year old boy in a sexual manner. I just can't see how he would go through his sexual prime and never be involved in something like this (as far as we know) and then become a sexual predator at the age of 48. But dang, there is just too much stacked against this guy. I guess that is was the feds thought too.

Have no fear, I am going to try to be right here on my sofa to hear tomorrows portion of the interview. Stay tuned..


1 comment:

Justin said...

I read this off of Drudge yesterday...maybe I'm missing something somewhere, but didn't Kamal have a sexual dialogue with this "kid?"
I too feel kinda sorry for this guy. It might very well be the case that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But it might also very well be that he had a momentary lapse in judgment causing him to act all Mike Jackson-esque.
Let's assume for a moment that he's not like Wal-Mart (boys' pants half off), and assume that this is all it was - a momentary lapse in judgment. Should he not still pay for his crime? If he had a momentary lapse in judgment and raped a woman, he should still deserve time.

Anyway, I bet he likes small weiners. (Can I say that on here?)