Monday, December 05, 2005

Remembering Mike

Today I was re-reading parts of Mike Yaconelli's book "Dangerous Wonder." Every time I read anything by that man, I am challenged.

In the introduction, he talked about meeting the guy who started Compassion International. He described the guy as a long haired, quiet, seemingly gentle guy who at some point had his life ruined by Jesus and he has never gotten over it.

You see, that seems to be my story and that word (ruined) always gets my attention. Central to my faith is this idea that somewhere along the way, my life intersected with this Jesus and he completely ruined everything so that I could not survive without Him and I have spent several years now trying to shake him.

I mean really, if you have experienced this actually spend a lot of time trying other things. If it were a marriage, it would be something like adultry. And yet, even after turning to lovers less wild, we are welcomed back by a Jesus who loves, forgives and even calls us pure and spotless.

And so it after day...a prostitute...loved...accepted....declared beautiful.

So the way to describe this life intersection with Jesus is wild, dangerous, fearful, compelling, doubtful, crazy, and extremely messy.


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