Friday, February 10, 2006

Global Warming

I read several articles about many evangelicals signing a petition on supporting efforts to curb global warming. To be honest, I can't tell if all the talk about global warming is about a real problem, or if it is about partisan politics. But I do have to say that if there is any chance that it is a real issue that needs addressing, then I want to be on the side of caring for the environment and therefore caring for the people who are in it.

I am a little bothered about the fact that many evangelicals have come out with rebuttals to the support for research and reversal of this "problem." Even if they believe that Al Gore cooked this one up, it seems that they would be able to give an answer to why they do believe it.

Then again, it might be because I get my news from the local fish wrapper which tends to lean way left.


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