Monday, December 27, 2004

This week, as Mandi and I have visited our families during Christmas, we have had several opportunities to talk about some things. As a youth minister, most of the conversation about us revolves around what I do and what my passions are. I am sure that this is simply because I am selfish and desire to talk about things only as they pertain to me. I pray that this is not the case but I feel that it often is.

But one thing that came up this week as we have driven these many hours is that I have the tendancy to be very cynical and often critical about the church. For some reason I have acted like a passive aggressive person with something to prove. It has become really easy for me to criticize the things that I see the church doing that I consider a waste of time or at least not good use of time.

I could spend several days on the things that I believe are not the main thing, but I will just leave you with the vague notion that this happens almost every day.

But one thing that I have really seen this week is that God has given me a heart that is not satisfied with complacency and I really want to find so much joy in God that the whole of my life is affected.

On the other hand, I have seen that I must be patient and eager to show grace while the church goes through the changes that will come over the next several years of the current culture shift.

For the most part, the church has the opportunity to really affect the heart of the culture with right doctrine and joy in Christ. I know that this is something that I am called to be a part of and I really believe that God is going to allow me to see fruit from this great calling.

Praise be to God for a wife that has the compassion for unbelievers and even the church that is still struggling to understand the call of God on us. Mandi truly gets the fact that whatever God leads us to do, He will be faithful to complete. For me lately it has been theory and for her, it is a chance to exercise her faith.

I love you Mandi.


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