Thursday, October 13, 2005


Actually, it is just a few minutes past my 28th birthday, making me officially in my late 20s. It has been a good one, and I just wanted to post about a few things that have been on my mind this week.

  • I friend of mine led me to THIS SITE a few nights ago and I thought it was a must for all of you that, like me, hate to get painted with the same broad brush as someone like this. Who would have thought it was as easy as $48.

  • Tomorrow we are starting our small groups again. This is going to be great because I am getting a chance to meet with a lot of guys who are just asking questions about faith. I love talking with people who have never been exposed to anything. I actually get a kick out of hearing responses to my faith based on what people see on the "Simpsons" or as I heard recently "The Office." It is just fun to see their faces when they see that being in a Jesus community is really nothing like that at all. Which brings me back to the idea that when a group of people really just cares about the things that Jesus cares about, we really do bring heaven to earth (and isn't that what Jesus prayed for us to do?)

  • One final thought...I have been hit pretty hard from Yankee fans about the Red Sox getting swept by Chicago. And I have to say, they got me there. It was ugly and it was short. By the way, who are the Yankees playing tonight..........?

  • By the way...I love being a pastor to students. Tonight reaffirmed that. Even with all the crap, it still is the best job ever. I love it.


1 comment:

jc said...

that's funny - the last time i bought an indulgence it was only $35.

by the way - if you want to get rid of comment spam go to your options and turn on "word verification"

peace - jc