Friday, March 17, 2006

Old People

Today I was talking with a couple of people about the phenom of old people in South Florida in the winter. This is really amazing. I mean that average age skyrockets in November and then plummets in the spring.

I do have to be careful though. I already had one episode this winter when an old man got out of his car and was yelling in my which I got out and whipped his....kidding, I just got out and started calling him a crazy old man (which meant nothing because he only spoke Italian). Yesterday, I was at the gas pump and had walked away from a pump as it was running (I set that little lever that lets you pump without having to hold it...I hate it when pumps don't have that little thing). As I am on the phone, some old guy starts honking at me to tell me to move. I politely walked back to his car to let him know that I was making use of the handy little lever and was waiting on my tank to fill. At that point, he locked his car...real bold dude...honk and then lock your door so you don't have to actually deal with confrontation (or have me de-spiral that comb-over that you have spun on your melon). Anyway, I will be glad when he and his buddies go back to Pennsylvania/New York/Quebec/some other state that isn't good enough for them half of the year.

I think I might start a ministry to lovingly tell the combover guys that...well...we know... and so does Jesus and he loves them no matter what...

I am going to bed before I begin to sound bitter.


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