Saturday, September 09, 2006

Things I Miss...

There have been so many things that I have been considering over the past few weeks about the geopgraphy of ministry and what role family plays in it. Many mentors of mine would be quick to call me to a life of leaving (home, parents, friends) for the sake of the gospel and planting ourselves in a new place...which we have done these past 3 years. But most of those people live in the same town that they grew up in. I do find it odd that even Jesus had his family very close as he was calling his disciples to follow while leaving all others behind.

Please understand, these thoughts are coming from a very shallow motivation. This comes as I am sitting here watching Alabama football today in a quiet house. I called my brother, my dad and some of my friends and they all are hanging out in tailgating situations and I have to say it...this time of year, I miss being in Alabama.

But that isn't gonna stop me. I do have my good friends James Westfall and Dr. Kenneth Noisewater with me and I will do my part to pull the TIDE past Vandy.

ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!

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