Monday, August 14, 2006

It Starts At 9:30

A few weeks back, on a Friday morning at 8:00, I got a call from a parent of a student. This makes me nervous because it usually involves a critique of plans and questions about how I plan to continue to raise their kids from the perspective of a thriving youth ministry. This one was different. This mom was just checking in on the activities of the day for the students. Then she mentioned something that she was encouraged about. Her daughter asked her if she could go to Mass on Sunday at First Baptist. In case you are not sure about this, Mass is a predominant catholic phrase that you don’t hear in protestant churches. As she said this, the same thing came to my mind that always does… “sorry lady, its worship service or gathering…not Mass.”
Let me interpret. I would like to think that I am don’t major on the minors but I still do. Just like this situation, I am 28. I think of myself as a part of the rebellion against ridiculous traditionalism and pharisaical ideology. Yet, to a degree, I still think like a Bible-belt fundamentalist. So when this woman, from her own tradition calls our worship service “Mass” then my first thought is, “sorry ma’am.”
But today, I see it differently. So here is my schedule for this week: Tuesday Night – Mars Hill High School; Wednesday Night – Mars Hill Middle School…

And Mass starts at 9:30...

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