Sunday, August 13, 2006

That Florida Rain...

Tonight I am listening to a thunderstorm in the distance and soft raindrops on my window. I know that tomorrow, I will wake to the usual sunny skies and 90% humidity, but for now, I will take the soggy weather. It makes me feel like something new is happening.
This morning, I had the chance to teach (many call preach) at our gathering at First Baptist. I love it when pastor throws me a bone. I am the youth guy so most people view what I say through that lens. That means that I get away with things that most “pastors” would not. The feel of the talk was about JUSTIFICATION. That is a big word that basically means that somehow, through this thing called faith, God declares us not guilty in spite of all of our sinful rebellion. That is something that I have thought a lot about over the past few years. I am not sure what “system” of thought and theology that I fit in now. But I am really pumped about 2 Corinthians 5:21 – For God made Christ who knew no sin, to become sin for us, so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God. Basically, Christ gets my rebellious sin and I get all his righteousness and that is the basis for God accepting me. There is more…let me know if you are interested.

It was good seeing my brother this week. He is starting law school at Samford (Cumberland) this week. I think that he is going to make us all proud.

I hope things get back to normal in a few days. Summers as a youth guy are going to kill me.

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